Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dancing as Stress Relief!

Recently, I went to a friend's bachelorette party. I know what your time. However, it was very classy. Yes, there were the typical party animals, but the whole event was a great stress reliever to be around like-minded business individuals letting lose after a crazy week of work and responsibility. The most freeing of all the activities, was the dancing part.

Dancing is where the Mind-Body Connection sets in. I have always been in favor of dancing to whatever genre of music resignates with your body. For example, 80's, hip hop, and high energy dance music make me want to bob my head and tap my toe to the beat, even if I am in the grocery store. I don't care how coordinated my moves are when I dance, it is more about the movement to a song that lifts my mood no matter how stressed I am feeling. These thoughts entered my mind as I was jiving to the beats- it is not only great exercise (which is why we stayed an extra 30 minutes, my like-minded cousin and I always maximizing our workouts) but to let lose and not have a care in the world (unless you are there to meet a mate) is the best feeling. Especially when you are surrounded by other people letting lose and "gettin jiggy wit it"!

So dance, dance, dance! Even if it is a waltz lesson, tap dance lesson, night out with the ladies (because let's face it, "I just need to dance!" (Dane Cook)), a Micheal Jackson song dance off, or by yourself with Lady Gaga or the Police turned up! You may be hesitant at first, but like all exercise sessions, once you start doing it, you'll wish got started earlier!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I don't know how many times a day I say this in my training sessions! (If you are a client of mine reading this, you'll know the pain). However, I cannot stress enough how important it is to fire the core muscles before you move your limbs! It sounds easy enough and if it were, we would have few cases of back problems. Weak core muscles, inability to activate the core muscles, and poor core (torso-pelvic-hip) alignment is one of the leading causes of backpain.

If you activate your ab muscles first, and then perform the movement, you will have a stronger output as well as core stability and decreased back pain after a while.

Myself, as well as countless other people I have spoken with, have seen several kinds of doctors for low back pain. I have seen Chiropracters, Sports Medicine Doctors, Primary Care Physicians, Physical Therapists and a few other professionals, and the one thing that worked out of all these treatments, (including a stint with a pain analgesic one of the doctors perscribed for a spasm that left me incapacitated for two days. Luckily, it was in college and my friends were accustomed to having a body sprawled on the couch for more than 24 hours!), was core strength. Only two of the doctors recommended that I should try to strengthen my abs. Only two! One guy, analyzed me as if I were a car and spoke into a voice recorder instead of speaking to me during the whole exam....that was bizarre.

Anyway, the moral of this story, is that if you are experiencing back pain, especially in the lumbar-sacral area, try putting yourself through a gentle abdominal strengthening program. Give it a month or two to ellicit the results you are working for and STAY CONSISTENT. Give pilates a try, if you haven't done so already, to learn proper pelvo-hip alignment and get some tips on how to hold your abs properly through out the day.

Give this a try and please leave a similar story or added tips for everyone to read! Anything to help a few more people to live life pain free and function optimally!

Mood lifters during the Winter Season!

Everyone reacts to the changing weather differently. Some are unphased by it and go about their hectic routines with an extra layer.

The other part of the population, may start to feel the Winter Blues setting in with the sun setting earlier. To off set this, research is recommnending to get outside with nature. Even just a few bouts of exercise outdoors or a short jog or walk in the sun can uplift move substantially and revitalize you for the day. An added bonus to try is leave the sun glasses at home. That's right, I said it; leave the Paris Hilton or Kardashian wannabe beta blockers at home for this short duration. The small amount of sun exposure will uplift your mood and energy level simulating the effects of light therapy! Since I have been doing this (and I typically only put myself through this momentary blinding exercise for 15 to 30 minutes tops), I have falling asleep much easier at night and sleep more restfully! Which, in turn, means that I will have much more energy the following day!

Try it this little tip as the days shorten to lift your mood.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Balance Found in Tumultous Waves

Waves undulate up and down like enormous blankets of water encapsulating huge boulders and then sink below the sea walls, revealling the enormity of  the the rocks.

I sit here, in front of the famous Maverick's Swell at Pillar Point Harbor Beach - waves coming at me from three different directions as I am on the very edge of the sand at the bottom of the huge cliff and the abyss of the Pacific. As frightening as this is, I am oddly calm. Finally.

It has been hectic this last month- Alan, my new husband and the father of my little guy, has returned to school to become an architect (need I say more) and is continuing  his workaholism at the restaurant. I have transitioned between jobs and feel like a failure for not making both work. Someday, I'll learn that spreading yourself too thin only works for some people. I, on the other hand, need to retreat to places like this to find solace after the war and lick my wounds.

That is what the ocean has always done for me. For some, it may be burying themselves deeper in their work, which I admire on some level. For others their solace is in extreme sports, marathons, talk therapy or anti-depressants. My grandmother-in-law believes the ocean works for me because my horoscope is a "fire sign", (I do believe that since anything about 80 degrees fareinheit aggrivates me). Whichever it may be, the ocean pulls me out of the tornado of life and centers me. Combine the ocean with running and it's equivalent to "o.d.-ing" on anti-depressants!

I hope everyone out there can find a place in life that brings as much ethereal happiness.

The Discussion Begins!

First of all, I am writting from a learners standpoint. Although I have spent almost a decade researching, working and exploring the mind-body connection, developed a major out of it, and strive to incorporate this elusive connection in my training, I feel "the more I learn the less I know" (Socrates).

I will be trying to find the a niche in the healthcare field and the health and wellness field that addresses the person as a whole. This means that if we are looking at a physical disease, analyze either the pyschological route or how the disease effects the psyche of the individual. Even though support groups exist, I think people need to be more equipped to handle phenomena. The new focus on Preventative Medicine is helping bridge the gap, but I will be looking more for a an area of health that fuse taking care of both the Physical and Pyschological body. And as Yoga does address this issue, it isn't used for medical purposes in this culture so it does't count.

Any thoughts or ideas?