Monday, July 11, 2016

Reading as Mental Exercise- My One-Book-A-Week Adventure!

Hello All,

Mark Zuckerberg's New Years Resolution was to read one book a month last year (or was it a week?). I thought this was an interesting conquest, but as I rarely go on facebook (like every other year...) it didn't make me think much of the exercise. Not until I cam across a really AWESOME TEDex Talk by Tai Lopez titled "Why I read a book a day- and why you should too" (

My goal wasn't to initially read a book  a day, or even a week, but it was the answer to my dulldrums when I get stuck in a rut in the Spring Time. I love Sprint Time, however, I am at my lowest level of productivity, am so drained and summer-ready that I can't focus or get even slightly depressed, for whatever reason!

So, I made it a point to start reading beyond new standards, my students' papers and office memos. I went to the Library with a super brave and very patient colleague of mine and all of my kids (6-year old and twin 4-year-olds) and we loaded up on 70 books!!!! Wahoo!!! (Before I go any further, I am a book-o-phile and my ideal library would rival the one the Beast had from Disney's "Beauty and The Beast"). It was my first time in over 2 years that I had gone that crazy in a library! We ran through the Children's section and my favorite, non-fiction! I got a biography on Warren Buffet and another giant, tons of education books and books on Genetics, health, architecture and green jobs (trying to get the hubby with a B.Arch the job of his dreams) and a bunch of neat productivity books that I had been hearing through podcasts.

This adventure was back in April and each week we go back, I replace the turn in the books I read/lost interest in for a bunch of other books. I request books for easy finding on the internet so they are there waiting for me when I get to library.

This blog, in the meantime, will be a brief report on the books I have read or perused in detail with an analysis of what I have read and how it has impacted my life and hopefully yours as well. The more I read, the more I am finding great advice from giants before me who have figured out major questions in life. As Isaac Newton has said, "I stand on the shoulders of Giants" and through reading, we all can, too!!

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